Starting work placement can be scary. New people, new environment and putting your new skills and know-how to the test.
To make it easier and help you start work placement with confidence, we’ve compiled a handy guide with tips to get you prepped.
Know where you’re going: Do a trial run to get to your place of work. The last thing you want is to find out you have the wrong building or address with 2 minutes to spare on your first day! Plan your trip carefully so there are no unpleasant surprises with traffic or public transport.
Know your hours: Make sure you’re confident about your start and finish time so you can plan appropriately.
Get your clothes sorted the night before: Again, this is about minimising stress. Try on your clothes, make sure you’re comfortable and have your outfit ready to go on the day of work placement. Double-check the dress code too and make sure you have any required uniform items.
Ask questions: Chances are you will be asked if you have any questions. Don’t just say no on autopilot. Think it through for a moment and ask any questions you have. Where is the bathroom? What time is break? Who do you report to? There really is no such thing as a silly question, so ask away.
Use your initiative: Don’t be afraid to do things. In most cases, using your initiative is great. Just be sure to stick to company policy and be realistic about what you are capable of in the early stages of your work placement.
Be friendly and communicative: Don’t just disappear to lunch – tell your colleague or manager that you’re going on lunch so they don’t have to go looking for you or wonder where you are. Always say goodbye when you leave at the end of your shift too – it’s friendly and polite, and lets people know that you’re done for the day.
Remember, everyone had a first day once and it won’t be long until you know all the ins and outs. Be kind to yourself and always look to your manager or trainer for support and guidance. Your Selmar trainer is there to help you on your study journey.

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