Support from our Learner Success Team

Success is about enabling individuals to achieve their full potential. Putting our learners’ needs and experience at the heart of our approach, we provide a range of integrated study supports to help you get the most out of your journey with us.



One way we encourage learners to thrive is through our passionate team of advisors. The Learner Success Team is dedicated to ensuring every learner feels thoroughly supported. Their role is to facilitate learners’ access to education, help them overcome challenges and navigate any obstacles to learning they encounter.

From enrolment right through to graduation and beyond, we want to make your learning experience as rewarding as possible.

Introducing our Learner Success Team

Our Learner Success Team is a group of dedicated advisors with many years’ experience in both education and the sector. They’re your first point of call for any questions you might have about studying, useful tips, encouragement and advice.

Putting support, encouragement and co-creation at the heart of the learning journey, the Learner Success Team’s main role is to provide regular check-ins, encouragement and assistance with any challenges or obstacles our learners might face.

The team checks in with learners weekly or fortnightly throughout their course. This is an opportunity to discuss your needs, work together to identify challenges and troubleshoot problems as they arise.

Who are we and what do we do?

Our team of experienced advisors and trainers are passionate about education. With a passion for education and many stories of their own to tell, the team have the right skills and knowledge to share.

From Learner Success Advisors to people who can assist with literacy and numeracy support, we want to co-create a generative learning experience for every individual. We’re here to connect, listen to learners’ specific needs and find approaches that will help them achieve.

Our Learner Success Advisors

Once you’ve commenced your new course, you’ll get a call or email from one of our learner success advisors. We’re here to answer your questions and provide additional support with navigating online study, formatting documents, computer skills and whatever study resources you might need. We try to make studying an engaging, accessible and positive experience for all.

This is what our learner success team lead Carol Alexander has to say:

“I want to empower other people’s lives through education, training and providing support to learners, especially learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. I believe everyone has a right to education and should have access to it.”

Helping you reach your potential

Being the best learner you can be is about developing goals and identifying ways to achieve them. This is something your Learner Success Advisors can assist with. An important aspect of our job is helping learners manage expectations and providing tools which make studying easier and more rewarding. The advisory team are compassionate and approachable, and they’re always up for a chat.

Our Learner Success Advisors can also provide personal support for anyone facing difficulties or struggling to find a balance between study, work and life. Our Learner Success Manager Robert Gould, is a passionate supporter of diversity who loves working with people.

As Robert says:

“I’ve always loved supporting people, so being able to utilise this in my career is fantastic! As a vocal feminist and active advocate of LGBTQ* rights and cultural sensitivity, working with people from different backgrounds and demographics is deeply satisfying to me.”

Literacy and Numeracy Support

Language, Literacy and Numeracy support (LLN) is here to build confidence and reduce barriers to learning. It can be beneficial for a number of reasons, including for learners who use English as an additional language. LLN also supports people with additional learning needs by providing handy tools and study resources. And for learners who aren’t used to studying or returning after a longer break, it can make the academic side of things a lot easier.

Our LLN support coordinator Stacey Earles is on hand to help learners with all things reading and writing. Stacey can help break down questions, word answers and tackle other academic challenges as they arise. Learn more about Stacey’s story here.

Stacey has great things to say about what she does:

“Sometimes I might show learners how to break down a question to make it easier to understand. In order to help them respond I might explain the question in a way that I believe will suit that person’s learning style. Reframing the content and offering real life examples is helpful, along with building the learner’s confidence.”

Practical Placement

Our Work Placement Coordinator Kylie Jackson is on hand to help you find the perfect placement. Kylie is an expert ‘matchmaker’ who helps every learner find the right place to undertake the practical elements of the course. This involves getting to know learners as well as developing positive relationships with services and sector partners where we place them. Getting the most out of your placement is an important part of the learning journey, and Kylie is here to help make it extra rewarding.

As Kylie says:

 “It’s not just about availability of learners and matching that to what works for services. Matching learners to services involves really getting to know the learner and the services and giving both the best experience from placement.”


Types of support you might consider

Support comes in many forms and is different for different people. No matter what stage of the journey you’re at, we’re here to make it easier and more accessible.

Whether you’re facing challenges, struggling to negotiate some aspect of the course or simply needing a bit of encouragement, there are several types of support you might consider:

  • Language support if English is an additional language
  • Literacy and numeracy support
  • Study tips and advice
  • Help with your resume
  • Personal support including referral to other services
  • Computer skills and IT support

Working together to achieve success

Our Learner Success Team agree that one of the most satisfying aspects of their job is sharing the journey with learners. We’re here to empower learners through co-creation, maximising the experience of every individual who chooses to study with us.

Studying can be hard, but we’re here to ensure you have everything you need to feel supported every step of the way. If you’re ever in doubt, get in touch with one of our friendly advisors and we’ll find the best person to help.



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