First aid in child care – is your centre compliant?

To deliver the highest possible standard of care in early childhood education, first aid qualifications are vital. It’s not enough to have a first aid kit — knowing how to use it properly and administer potentially life-saving first aid is a must for safety in any industry.

In the child care industry approved first aid qualifications are not just desirable — they are essential. For a child care service to be compliant, educators must meet the National Regulations as outlined by ACECQA.

If you run or work in a child care centre and are wondering what it takes for you to be compliant, our handy checklist can help. Download it for free below and print and display at your centre as a regular reminder to keep your first aid qualifications up to date.

Requirements for first aid, anaphylaxis and emergency asthma training vary from centre-based services to family day care services, but the more educators holding current, approved first aid qualifications, the better.

Training in first aid isn’t a one-time course. You will generally need to renew your qualifications every three years, whether it’s in first aid training, anaphylaxis management or emergency asthma training. To maintain current CPR qualifications, a refresher course needs to be undertaken every 12 months.

Submit the form below to download our ‘First aid in child care compliance checklist’.

At Selmar, we can help stay on top of your first aid training. We are specialists in first aid group training and we want to ensure that keeping all educators’ qualifications up to date is simple and aligned to your needs. Our nationally recognised first aid courses, such as HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting, are delivered to by qualified trainers. Plus, our group training comes to you so you can get it done with minimal disruption.

Browse our first aid courses here or get in touch to discuss the best approach to training your entire child care team at the required intervals to ensure your centre is compliant at all times.


First aid courses at Selmar


First in in ECE   CPR   First aid

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