Tips to stay motivated while studying


Your career success can often have a lot to do with keeping motivated while studying and pushing through when things get frustrating. If you’re a student who is having trouble getting motivated – or staying motivated – these tips could make all the difference.

Break it down – Big tasks can be overwhelming and it can be impossible to know where to start. Step back, look at what needs to be done then divide the big task up into small, achievable goals. You’ll have it done in no time and feel great as you tick things off and make progress.

Don’t forget to reward yourself as you go too!

Create a routine – Setting aside time for studying can be a great way to stay on track. Create a weekly routine and stick to it. Make sure there is time for study as well as time for you and your health and wellbeing. That’s important to your ability to achieve success too.

Change it up – It sounds like the opposite to the previous tip, but remember it’s ok to change things up if it’s not working or getting you the results you need. Re-evaluate from time to time and make note of what is working and what isn’t and change it if need be.

Don’t be discouraged – If something doesn’t go quite as you’d hoped, don’t let it get you down. Look at what you did, what you could’ve done better and what you’ll change next time. Don’t give up; just give it another go, learning along the way.

Ask for help – If you need support, it’s there. All Selmar students have access to a range of support services and helping hands. The key is to ask for help when you do need it. This can include just a coffee with a friend or someone to talk to.

Remember the big picture – Sometimes you might forget why you chose to enrol in your course. Keeping your eye on the prize can be a great way to stay motivated. If your goal is take your life in the direction you want to go, focus on it and remember what you’re working towards and how awesome it will feel when you get there.

The effort that goes into your training now is going to transform your career – and maybe even your life. Take the time you need to stay motivated and complete your course. You won’t regret it.

If you need a helping hand with your course or even just with getting started and choosing a course, the Selmar team is always happy to help. Get in touch today.


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