We sat down with a few of our early childhood trainers and asked them about their experience in the industry. You can also read back on the heart-melting responses to “What’s the cutest thing a child has ever said to you?”
This round, we asked “What’s do you wish someone had told you before your first day?”
“To choose your battles, especially when dealing with the 2-3 year olds!” Tracey.
“That it can be exhausting – kids have lots of energy, so get your energy levels high each morning.” Ebonie.
“The basic, flexible routine with me: how does it work? How are things decided? Who do I ask if I am unsure?” Katherine.
“That it’s not all just playing on the ground with kids all day!” Bec.
“To relax during your placement – you are bound to make mistakes! This is your time to learn and grow, so take the opportunity to ask questions without pressuring yourself to always get it right.” Amanda.
“It is not as easy as what you think it…but it is even more rewarding!” Manmeet.
“In regards to your first job, it is good to remember that it is important the centre is the right fit for you. There are many centres with different philosophies and although it is tempting to take whatever job you can find, to really reach your potential it is worth finding a centre which is right for you.” Amanda.