Transitioning Qualifications Is Easier Than You Thought

Professional development is a great way to develop your skills and knowledge as an educator, expand your learning community and continuing pushing for excellence in early childhood.

Selmar offers a wide selection of early childhood and community sector courses through workplace training. This allows you to enjoy flexibility and individually tailored study during office hours.

To make this feasible for both your employer and you, State and Federal Government invest in the skills of Australian workers through a range cost-effective training schemes and incentives.

Below we’ve outlined some common professional development pathways that early childhood educators take.

The Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113) fosters your ability to support children’s learning and development. The diploma is also the first step towards leadership skills, to support your own educational career and lead and mentor other staff. Designed to equip graduates with the knowledge to meet the daily challenges of the industry, this diploma enables early childhood education staff to become lead educators in the planning and delivery of early childhood curriculum.

When you are ready for a senior management role, the Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management (CHC60312) can help you take this next step. This nationally recognised qualification can also open doors to new opportunities. Designed to help you get the best out of your team and enhance your upper-level management skills, this senior qualification has been designed for leaders in the health and community sector. Graduates develop skills in collaborative leadership, managing diversity, working to a business model and managing finances.

Transitioning your qualification through professional development is a great way to continue your educational career. After all, educators can always learn too!

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