Encouraging safe work practices for Safety Month

Work safety

October is National Safe Work Month, or Safety Month, an opportunity to raise awareness of workplace health and safety. Safe Work Australia estimate that every year, more than 260 Australians die and a further 135000 are injured due to work related injuries.

“National Safe Work Month provides an opportunity for us all to focus on health and safety in our workplaces and to drive lasting improvements,” says Safe Work Australia’s CEO and 2015 Safety Month Ambassador Michelle Baxter.

“This year’s theme is Be safe. Be healthy. Because…. We have deliberately left the theme open so you can add your personal reasons for being safe and healthy at work. Think about what is important to you,” Ms Baxter said.

Safe Work Australia is encouraging workplaces around the country to get involved. You can visit the Safety Month website to download the free smart phone application for instant access to resources, safety statistics and event information.

The site is also some great resources and ideas for your own workplace event. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Download the National Safe Work Month electronic information kit and use it to decorate an area at work.
  • Printing out copies of the adult colouring picture and supplying coloured pencils for staff to de-stress during their breaks.
  • Organise an instructor to take a meditation session, yoga or pilates class.
  • Encourage healthy eating options during the week such as a healthy recipe swap or a visit from a nutritionist.
  • Organise speakers from a relevant industry association or professional body.
  • Create and distribute an office calendar that includes drawings made by the families of staff to motivate employees to work safely.
  • Read the program for the Australian Strategy Virtual Seminar Series and organise staff to watch a relevant video together.
  • Organise first aid training or a first aid refresher.
  • Start a stretching class for staff before each shift or set a time each day to stretch.
  • Establish or review emergency procedures and conduct an emergency drill.
  • Organise staff to undertake health checks such as fitness, medical, skin or eye tests.

If you take photos during these activities, submit them online for the chance to win the National Safe Work Month Workplace Participation Reward. It will be awarded for the organisation displaying the most outstanding spirit, participation, creativity and sustainable initiatives during the month, as judged by photos and stories submitted throughout October.

You can learn more about workplace health and safety through Selmar’s Leadership and Management qualifications.

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