5 tips to help you choose a course (when you don’t know what you want to do)

Perhaps you’ve just finished school or returned from a gap year, or maybe you’re thinking of a career change. Either way, there are many times in life when we’re not sure what we want to do. When you’re trying to choose a course, that lack of direction doesn’t make it any easier!

If you’re ready to get some qualifications under your belt and find a meaningful career, you will need to choose a course. To help, we’ve got five tips that will enable you to choose a course even when you’re not really sure what you want to do.

  1. Try something out

You don’t need to commit yourself to a career in your chosen area of study for the rest of your life! Try something out, see if you like it, go from there.

  1. Go with a general option

Specialising comes later; for now if you’re not sure what you want to do, you should choose a course that gives you options to specialise or extend on your learning later on.


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  1. Consider your learning style

Don’t choose a course that needs you to write 2,000 word essays if essay-writing is not a good fit with your learning style. Finding a course with a good balance of hands-on learning, reading, writing and discussion time is usually ideal.

  1. Make sure it works for you

Consider the delivery mode options of your chosen course. Will it work with your lifestyle and preferences? Do you have to go on campus or can you opt for distance education? Can you do it part time?

  1. You can always change your mind

Don’t let your fear of not enjoying the course hold you back. Remember, if you don’t like it you can always just change your mind.

A supportive training provider will help you find the right option to suit you as an individual.

Chat to our very helpful and friendly course advisors about finding a Selmar course that’s right for you.


Want to know more? Read two of the blogs in this series!

Find a job with no experience!

Taking the next steps: getting enrolled in your course!


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