What children want from child care providers

What do children want from their child care providers?

It’s a super-important question that’s surprisingly seldom asked. Surprising since ultimately, it’s children who child care professionals spend the most time with and have the most impact on.

So aside from the expectations of employers, parents and co-workers, today we’re asking what’s important to children? Anyone considering undertaking an early childhood course should definitely take note.


Children are usually incredibly in-tune with the moods and energy of those caring for them. Those who possess a positive, up-beat attitude put children at ease and create an environment that’s comfortable and fun.


Some children can’t wait to be dropped off at childcare, whilst others find separating from mum or dad a little difficult to bear. Carers who have a nurturing temperament make it a lot easier for children to handle day care or kindergarten – particularly those who feel apprehensive about going.


An abundance of patience is essential for working in child care – from listening to stories, to working with disruption and handling everything that comes your way in between. Children will appreciate your patience, feel comfortable around you and be more inclined to engage in learning and development activities, knowing that you have plenty of understanding.



Perhaps the most cherished trait, children love carers who can use their imagination and enter their world. Having a playful attitude is not only entertaining for children, but can stimulate them to learn new skills and develop.

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