How to build successful study habits this year

When studying, it can be easy to lose your way at times. Losing track of your goals, and your progress towards achieving them, can leave you feeling unmotivated and frustrated. But getting back into the swing of your studies is easier than you may realise. A few tweaks here and there can make all the difference!

To get the most from your training, it’s important to build study habits that will support your study success. Anyone can do it and it’s never too late to start learning techniques and strategies that will help you.

We’ve got some ideas to help you get your studying done successfully, while tailoring your approach to suit your individual personality, lifestyle and preferences.

How to build successful study habits this year

Study habits for online success

Is your study routine as effective as it could be? Do you know what support is available to you? Are you making time for doing things you love and relaxing? For study habits that work for you, they need to, well, work for you! Maximise your study outcomes and find the best strategies for you to incorporate and start to really enjoy your training journey.

Strong and effective study habits can be developed to foster a great study routine that will help you on your way to achieving your education and career goals.

Understand how you learn

For some, studying needs to take place alone in a dedicated space. For others, study groups are more effective. A combination of both may suit. Do you work well with music playing or are you more focused when it’s quiet? It may take some trial and error, but experimenting and identifying your learning style can help you make a study plan that will get results.

Plans, schedules, lists and routines

Organisation and effective time management are key to fitting in everything that needs to be done without feeling overwhelmed. Once you know how you learn, you can create a schedule that plays to your strengths. Are you most productive first thing in the morning? Or maybe you prefer to get stuck into studying in the evening? Study at the time that best suits you, your life and your schedule. Thanks to flexible online study options, it’s easier than ever to make sure your study suits your life.

Set SMART goals

We didn’t just make SMART all capitals for emphasis — SMART is an acronym outlining what your goals should include to make them as clear and achievable as possible:

  • Specific: What do you want to accomplish and what needs to be done?
  • Measurable: How will you track your progress on achieving this goal?
  • Achievable: Know what is required to achieve the goal and be sure that it can be done based on any potential constraints.
  • Relevant: Is it worthwhile, is this the right time and what will I get from accomplishing it?
  • Time bound: Work toward a deadline. When do you want to complete this goal and what mini-deadlines will help create a feasible timeline to get there.

Space it out

Cramming all your study into a giant block of time to get it done can be tempting, but for most people this isn’t productive. It’s likely that you will get more from your study time by breaking it up into smaller blocks. It’s often easier to fit in this way too as smaller periods of time are easier to come by, plus it gives you time to process what you’re learning before going back for more.

Prioritise taking care of yourself

Sleep, regular exercise and healthy eating may sound like clichés when it comes to getting the most out of life and study, but it’s true. Getting enough sleep ensures that you are better able to focus, recall information and process the learning material. Exercise and healthy eating are essential for optimal functioning, and you’ll feel better for it too.

Reach out for support

Your study journey doesn’t need to be tackled completely independently. For Selmar learners, there’s a whole learner success team behind you! They are there to ensure that you have everything you need and to support you in achieving study success. Everyone deserves to have the help they need to reach their goals, and our LLN Coordinator offers literacy and numeracy support to boost your capabilities in these areas. Your dedicated trainer is on hand to answer your questions, direct you to resources and guide you through your course. Asking for help isn’t just okay — it’s recommended!

Seek out online study success

Studying online means you can train your way, fitting in gaining the qualifications you need to reach your career goals with your existing life commitments. A solid study plan that includes time management, routines, clear goals and a focus on still enjoying the things you love will get you where you want to go.

Think you might be ready to start studying early childhood education? This checklist will help. It’s also worth getting in touch with the Selmar team to talk about your study and career goals.

We can help you set up the perfect pathway to for your study success!


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