Keep your first aid up to date and you could save a life just like these people!

First aid training is not a one-off, especially if you work in an industry like child care. Your first aid renewal is required every three years, and it’s certainly worthwhile.

You might think you have retained plenty of information from your initial first aid training, but procedures can change and guidelines are regularly updated. Staying on top of your first aid training and keeping it current is an important and meaningful undertaking.

You could even save multiple lives

In one amazing story, a woman in the United States saved three people’s lives in the space of one year using her knowledge of first aid and CPR!

While 24-year old Madeline Dahl is a nurse, it was her basic first aid knowledge and specifically her understanding of how to perform CPR that ensured she could perform the life-saving procedure until paramedics arrived.

first aid story

Children have used first aid to save lives too

You don’t have to be a nurse to save lives with first aid though. A 10-year old boy from the UK used first aid training he’d learned just days before to save his 3-year old brother’s life. When he saw his little brother swallow a coin and begin to purple, he knew he had to act fast. He put the young boy over his knee and applied firm slaps on the back which helped the choking child bring the coin back up. First aid training enabled this 10-year old to jump into action when even many adults may have been frantic and unsure.

Save a life when the unexpected happens

A friendly soccer game resulted in a head-to-head clash — literally. When a motionless and unresponsive child is lying in front of you following a head injury, would you know what to do? The team’s coach did and was able to stay calm and focused during a stressful time, delivering first aid while waiting for paramedics to attend.

football first aid

Be ready with up to date first aid training

If it’s time to renew your first aid training, we can help. Click here to learn more about our accredited first aid courses and online learning portal.


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